Exceeding asbestos management requirements
Asbestos surveys are the starting point in understanding where your asbestos is located and its quantities. Based on our asbestos survey or assessment and asbestos testing we generate asbestos risk assessments for your building or site.
Our experience of working with large and not so large clients across industry sectors is our point of difference. We have the background and understanding of your industry to ensure compliance.
Atlas ISC works with our clients in the effective management of asbestos in buildings to the Code of Practice for the Management and Control of Asbestos in the Workplace [NOHSC:2018(2005)] ensuring that our clients meet and exceed all legislative requirements in relation to asbestos management.
Through detailed surveys, conducted by Licenced Asbestos Assessors and surveyors assessed as competent by the British Occupational Hygiene Society, and with experience of your building type, you can be assured that the surveys are appropriate, cost-effective and most importantly, will provide you with clear information on how to manage your asbestos correctly.
So if you are the person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU)? Responsible for the management of buildings built prior to 31st December 2003? If so, contact us about how we can assist with the identification and management of asbestos at your property.