a holistic, risk-based approach
In Western Australia, mine operators have a duty to develop a Health and Hygiene Management Plan (HHMP).
A HHMP provides a systematic process for managing contaminants in the workplace at all stages of the mining operation. It documents the chemical or substance, how hazards are controlled and what methods are used to verify that controls are effective.
The HHMP is more comprehensive than the dust and noise monitoring plan previously required by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS). A HHMP sets out a holistic, risk-based approach to managing all health and hygiene hazards that adopts changing technology and current scientific knowledge, and encourages innovation.
Atlas ISC’s team of registered surface ventilation officers, technicians and noise officers will work with you to develop the HHMP or occupational hygiene assessment, implement controls and provide the guidance necessary throughout the process.